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I'm Physio Ellen

Nice to Meet You

Approximately 11 years ago, I found myself feeling stagnant in my physiotherapy career. While I still enjoyed conducting assessments, the treatment sessions began to feel repetitive. At the time, I was in outpatient rehab with a private side hustle in ortho and sports coverage. Although I consistently invested in continuing education, I just felt stuck. 

Then I remembered my very first boss, neurorehab mentor Julie Vaughan-Graham, who had always valued Pilates in clinical practice.  Back when I was a fresh new grad I wasn't prepared to make such a large financial commitment, but after 10 years it was time. 

"The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy."

- Joseph Pilates

I buckled down and committed to the process.  The benefits were immediately apparent and most importantly, treatment became fun again, especially with the Reformer.  I didn't actually have a Reformer at work, but I bought a cheapie residential model to practice with at home and adapted the exercises for the hospital.

Every exercise had the ability to reveal differences in motor patterns, muscle strength, ROM, and balance.  It extended my love of assessment into my treatment sessions. 

Fast-forward through three babies and COVID, and my life circumstances had created the motivation and confidence to quit my secure hospital job (because being home with a newborn in addition to online schooling two small children was not a high point).

Was I certain about leaving my government job? No friggin way.  Was it worth it? Without a doubt.

Focusing on Pilates and pregnancy/postpartum rehab has provided me with a level of freedom and autonomy that I never realized was possible in the physio world.

One of the most rewarding aspects? Sharing the joy of Pilates with my patients. I notice the pleasant surprise on their faces and hear them comment on how much better they feel. Convincing them to invest in their own health becomes simpler.

Which brings me to why I do what I do...

My aim is to share the advantages of different Pilates apparatuses with as many clinicians as possible by eliminating the common obstacles associated with traditional Pilates training. Not everyone has the time or financial resources to travel and sit through courses designed for the general public, and weekend crash courses for clinicians don't provide enough depth.

I've dedicated countless hours and invested thousands of dollars in traditional layperson courses to spare others from doing the same.  Add to this several years of experience working out of a therapeutic Pilates studio and I've seamlessly integrated Pilates into my treatment methods.  Everything I know has been refined into rehab-focused content that is ready to share and easy to implement. I sincerely hope you'll join me in exploring the exciting benefits that the Pilates world has to offer.


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I completed my BSc in Physical Therapy many moons ago at the University of British Columbia in 2005.

While in PT school, I discovered that having a multitude of injuries from varsity rugby and other contact sports 'gifted' me a lot of first person experience when it came to rehab planning. 

Following that, I  discovered my love of teaching and went on to complete a MSc in Community Health with a focus in Health Practitioner Education at the University of Toronto.

The majority of my career has been firmly rooted in rehab, with my current interests being pelvic health in the context of pregnancy and postpartum support. 

I feel so fortunate to have found Pilates especially because it's allowed me to rediscover my creative side. 

As a performing arts school nerd from grades 4-12, I get to be unapologetically quirky in my exercise cues and descriptions while playing with different movements/choreography. 

So for me, Pilates smushes together all of my joys in one place; Fixing others, teaching, creating new movements, and challenging my own body in new and exciting ways.  

I hope you learn to love it, too. 

whats next?